2016 Tax Breaks

Help prevent the year-end vacation-time scramble with a PTO contribution arrangement

Many businesses find themselves short-staffed from Thanksgiving through December 31 as employees take time off to spend with family and friends. But if you limit how many vacation days employees can roll over to the new year, you might find your workplace a ghost town as workers scramble to use, rather than lose, their […]
Why making annual exclusion gifts before year end can still be a good idea

A tried-and-true estate planning strategy is to make tax-free gifts to loved ones during life, because it reduces potential estate tax at death. There are many ways to make tax-free gifts, but one of the simplest is to take advantage of the annual gift tax exclusion with direct gifts. Even in a potentially changing […]
2016 charitable donations offer both estate planning and income tax benefits

During the holiday season your thoughts likely turn to helping those in need by making charitable donations. Doing so will benefit your favorite organizations and help you achieve your estate planning goal of reducing the size of your taxable estate. In addition, by donating during your lifetime, rather than at death, you’ll receive an […]
Your company’s balance sheet makes great reading this time of year

Year end is just about here. You know what that means, right? It’s a great time to settle in by a roaring fire and catch up on reading … your company’s financial statements. One chapter worth a careful perusal is the balance sheet. Therein may lie some important lessons. 3 ratios to consider In […]
How to report discontinued operations today

Did your company undergo a major strategic shift in 2016? If so, management may need to comply with the updated rules for reporting discontinued operations that went into effect in 2015 for most companies. Discontinued operations typically don’t happen every year, so it’s important to review the basics before preparing your year-end financial statements. […]