Seasonal business? Optimize your operating cycle

Every business has some degree of ups and downs during the year. But cash flow fluctuations are much more intense for seasonal businesses. So, if your company defines itself as such, it’s important to optimize your operating cycle to anticipate and minimize shortfalls. A high-growth example To illustrate: Consider a manufacturer and distributor of […]
Respecting auditor independence

Auditor independence is still a hot topic among investors and lenders even though the financial crisis of 2008 was nine years ago. Here’s an overview of the independence guidance from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). These rules apply specifically to public companies, but auditors of private companies are typically held to the same […]
Pay attention to the details when selling investments

The tax consequences of the sale of an investment, as well as your net return, can be affected by a variety of factors. You’re probably focused on factors such as how much you paid for the investment vs. how much you’re selling it for, whether you held the investment long-term (more than one year) and […]
Are income taxes taking a bite out of your trusts?

If your estate plan includes one or more trusts, review them in light of income taxes. For trusts, the income threshold is very low for triggering the: Top income tax rate of 39.6%, Top long-term capital gains rate of 20%, and Net investment income tax (NIIT) of 3.8%. The threshold is only $12,500 for 2017. […]
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