Buying and selling mutual fund shares: Avoid these tax pitfalls

If you invest in mutual funds, be aware of some potential pitfalls involved in buying and selling shares. Surprise sales You may already have made taxable “sales” of part of your mutual fund investment without knowing it. One way this can happen is if your mutual fund allows you to write checks against your fund […]
The 2021 “Social Security wage base” is increasing

If your small business is planning for payroll next year, be aware that the “Social Security wage base” is increasing. The Social Security Administration recently announced that the maximum earnings subject to Social Security tax will increase from $137,700 in 2020 to $142,800 in 2021. For 2021, the FICA tax rate for both employers and […]
Evaluating Business Qualified Improvement Property Deduction

Earlier this year, Congress finally passed legislation that corrects a drafting error related to real estate qualified improvement property (QIP). The correction is part of the CARES Act. It retroactively allows real property owners to depreciate QIP faster than before, either 100% the year the QIP is placed in service or over a 15-year period. […]
Questions to Ask Before You Hire a Bookkeeper

If you own a business and want to focus on pursuing goals for future growth, hiring a bookkeeper can save you time and give you a more accurate picture of your company’s financial status. But when you’re getting ready to hire, you need to ask the right questions to find out if the bookkeeper you’re […]