Health Savings Accounts for your small business

Small business owners are well aware of the increasing cost of employee health care benefits. As a result, your business may be interested in providing some of these benefits through an employer-sponsored Health Savings Account (HSA). Or perhaps you already have an HSA. It’s a good time to review how these accounts work since the […]
Taking distributions from a traditional IRA

Although planning is needed to help build the biggest possible nest egg in your traditional IRA (including a SEP-IRA and SIMPLE-IRA), it’s even more critical that you plan for withdrawals from these tax-deferred retirement vehicles. There are three areas where knowing the fine points of the IRA distribution rules can make a big difference in […]
Is a Roth IRA conversion right for you this year?

The COVID-19 pandemic has been causing havoc in the global markets and the U.S. economy. In these uncertain times, it’s important to stay on top of your financial status, including taking measures to protect your retirement nest egg over the long term. One idea to consider is converting a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA. […]
Top Small Business Tax Mistakes

Filing your business income taxes each year is an occasion you may not always look forward to, but nevertheless, it must be done. If you are finding it too difficult and confusing or if you have doubts about whether or not you’re using all the deductions you could, it may be wise to hire a […]