Small businesses: Cash in on depreciation tax savers

As we approach the end of the year, it’s a good time to think about whether your business needs to buy business equipment and other depreciable property. If so, you may benefit from the Section 179 depreciation tax deduction for business property. The election provides a tax windfall to businesses, enabling them to claim immediate […]
Lessons of 2020: Change management

The year 2020 has taught businesses many lessons. The sudden onset of the COVID-19 pandemic followed by drastic changes to the economy have forced companies to alter the size of their workforces, restructure work environments and revise sales models — just to name a few challenges. And what this has all meant for employees is […]
How to avoid tax scams

Scam artists seem to come out of the woodwork when there’s money involved — and taxes are no exception. Fortunately, if you familiarize yourself with common tax scams and understand what the IRS will and won’t do, it’s easy to avoid them. Common scams Here are some common tax fraud schemes: Calls from IRS impersonators. […]
What Is a CPA Firm?

A CPA firm is an accounting firm with at least one Certified public accountant (and perhaps more) who are licensed in their state. The benefits of hiring a CPA firm is that they are highly-qualified and knowledgeable on accounting practices. They can help you to take your business to the next level and offer valuable […]