IRS announces adjustments to key retirement plan limits

In Notice 2021-61, the IRS recently announced 2022 cost-of-living adjustments to dollar limits and thresholds for qualified retirement plans. Here are some highlights: Elective deferrals. The annual limit on elective deferrals (employee contributions) will increase from $19,500 to $20,500 for 401(k), 403(b) and 457 plans, as well as for Salary Reduction Simplified Employee Pensions […]
Small businesses: There still may be time to cut your 2021 taxes

Don’t let the holiday rush keep you from considering some important steps to reduce your 2021 tax liability. You still have time to execute a few strategies. Purchase assets Thinking about buying new or used equipment, machinery or office equipment in the new year? Buy them and place them in service by December 31, and […]
With year-end approaching, 3 ideas that may help cut your tax bill

If you’re starting to worry about your 2021 tax bill, there’s good news — you may still have time to reduce your liability. Here are three quick strategies that may help you trim your taxes before year-end. 1. Accelerate deductions/defer income. Certain tax deductions are claimed for the year of payment, such as the mortgage […]
A cost segregation study is one way to boost cash flow

If your business is planning to buy, build or substantially improve real property, a cost segregation study can help you accelerate depreciation deductions, reducing your taxes and boosting your cash flow. Even if you’ve invested in real property in previous years, you may have an opportunity to do a lookback study and catch up on […]