Is your income high enough to owe two extra taxes?

High-income taxpayers face two special taxes — a 3.8% net investment income tax (NIIT) and a 0.9% additional Medicare tax on wage and self-employment income. Here’s an overview of the taxes and what they may mean for you. 3.8% NIIT This tax applies, in addition to income tax, on your net investment income. The NIIT […]
The Inflation Reduction Act: what’s in it for you?

You may have heard that the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) was signed into law recently. While experts have varying opinions about whether it will reduce inflation in the near future, it contains, extends and modifies many climate and energy-related tax credits that may be of interest to individuals. Nonbusiness energy property Before the IRA was […]
Home sweet home: Do you qualify for office deductions?

If you’re a business owner working from home or an entrepreneur with a home-based side gig, you may qualify for valuable home office deductions. But not everyone who works from home gets the tax break. Employees who work remotely can’t deduct home office expenses under current federal tax law. To qualify for a deduction, […]
Want to see into the future? Delve deeper into forecasting

For a company to be truly successful, its ownership needs to attempt the impossible: see into the future. Forecasting key metrics — such as sales demand, receivables, payables and working capital — can help you manage overhead, offer competitive prices and keep your business on firm financial footing. Although financial statements are often the […]
Make marketing better with a brand audit

Mention the word “audit” to a business owner and you’ll probably get an anxious look. But not all audits are of the tax, financial statement or retirement plan variety. You can audit many areas of your company to help you better manage those functions. Take your brand, for example. Your business brand is more […]
Evaluating an ESOP from a succession planning perspective

If you’ve been in business for a while, you’ve probably considered many different employee benefits. One option that might have crossed your desk is an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP). Strictly defined, an ESOP is considered a retirement plan for employees. But it can also play a role in succession planning by facilitating the transfer […]
The kiddie tax: Does it affect your family?

Do your children have investment income? They may owe “kiddie tax.” Here are the basic rules.