Renting to a relative? Watch out for tax traps

If you own a home and rent it to a relative, you may be surprised to find out there could be tax consequences. Quick rundown of the rules Renting out a home or apartment that you own may result in a tax loss for you, even if the rental income is more than your operating […]
Employers should be wary of ERC claims that are too good to be true

The Employee Retention Credit (ERC) was a valuable tax credit that helped employers that kept workers on staff during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. While the credit is no longer available, eligible employers that haven’t yet claimed it might still be able to do so by filing amended payroll returns for tax years 2020 […]
Save for retirement by getting the most out of your 401(k) plan

Socking away money in a tax-advantaged retirement plan can help you reduce taxes and help secure a comfortable retirement. If your employer offers a 401(k) or Roth 401(k), contributing to the plan is a smart way to build a substantial nest egg. If you’re not already contributing the maximum allowed, consider increasing your contribution. Because […]
Unused PTO a problem? Consider a contribution arrangement

A new year has arrived. For many businesses, this means employees’ paid time off (PTO) arrangements have reset. And at companies with “use it or lose it” policies, workers have likely left a few or perhaps many unused hours on the table. It’s a growing problem. A July 2022 survey conducted by Sorbet, a provider […]
2023 Q1 tax calendar: Key deadlines for businesses and other employers

Here are some of the key tax-related deadlines affecting businesses and other employers during the first quarter of 2023. Keep in mind that this list isn’t all-inclusive, so there may be additional deadlines that apply to you. If you have questions about filing requirements, contact us. We can ensure you’re meeting all applicable deadlines. January […]
Look forward to this year by revisiting your business plan

Businesses of all stripes are about to embark upon a new calendar year. Whether you’ve done a lot of strategic planning or just a little, a good way to double-check your objectives and expectations is to revisit your business plan. Remember your business plan? If you created one recently, or keep yours updated, it might […]
Inbound vs. outbound: Balancing your company’s sales strategies

It might sound like the lingo of air traffic controllers — inbound vs. outbound. But businesses of all types must grapple with these concepts and their associated challenges when developing sales strategies. Inbound sales originate when someone contacts your company to inquire about buying a product or service, whereas outbound sales arise from members of […]
Timing is everything when it comes to accounting software upgrades

“Well, it still works, and everyone knows how to use it, but….” Do these words sound familiar? Many businesses stick with their accounting software far too long for these very reasons. What’s important to find out and consider is everything that comes after the word “but.” Managers and employees often struggle with systems that don’t provide […]
The standard business mileage rate is going up in 2023

Although the national price of gas is a bit lower than it was a year ago, the optional standard mileage rate used to calculate the deductible cost of operating an automobile for business will be going up in 2023. The IRS recently announced that the 2023 cents-per-mile rate for the business use of a car, […]
SECURE 2.0 law may make you more secure in retirement

A new law was recently signed that will help Americans save more for retirement, although many of the provisions don’t kick in for a few years. The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement 2.0 Act (SECURE 2.0) was signed into law on December 29, 2022. SECURE 2.0 is meant to build on the original […]