Tax-wise ways to save for college

If you’re a parent or grandparent with college-bound children, you may want to save to fund future education costs. Here are several approaches to take maximum advantage of the tax-favored ways to save that may be available to you. Savings bonds Series EE U.S. savings bonds offer two tax-saving opportunities when used to finance college […]
Getting into data analytics without breaking the bank

Most business owners would probably agree that, in today’s world, data rules. But finding, organizing and deriving meaning from the terabytes upon terabytes of information out there isn’t easy. How can your company harness the power of data without throwing dollars into the technological void? By investing in a formal initiative to incorporate data analytics […]
How to minimize the S corporation LIFO recapture tax

If you’re considering converting your C corporation to an S corporation, be aware that there may be tax implications if you’ve been using the last in, first out (LIFO) inventory method. That’s because of the LIFO recapture income that will be triggered by converting to S corporation status. We can meet to compute what the […]