Keep an eye out for executive fraud

Occupational fraud can be defined as crimes committed by employees against the organizations that they work for. Perhaps its most dangerous variation is executive fraud — that is, wrongdoings by those in the C-Suite. Senior-level execs are in a prime position to not only inflict substantial amounts of financial damage, but also severely impair the […]
Forming a cross-functional sales team

Business owners are often warned about silos. Not the tall, cylindrical structures typically seen on farms or at grain processing facilities. Rather, the insular nature of many departments that results in the hoarding of information and a distinct lack of companywide communication. Among the most damaging effects of having silos within a business is poor […]
The 2022 gift tax return deadline is coming up soon

Did you make large gifts to your children, grandchildren or other heirs last year? If so, it’s important to determine whether you’re required to file a 2022 gift tax return. And in some cases, even if it’s not required to file one, you may want to do so anyway. Filing requirements The annual gift tax […]
Claiming losses on depreciated or worthless stock

Have you bought stock in a company that later dropped in value? While you may prefer to forget such an ill-fated investment, at least you can claim a capital loss deduction on your tax return. Here are the rules that apply when a stock you own is sold at a loss or becomes completely worthless. […]
Changes in Sec. 174 make it a good time to review the R&E strategy of your business

It’s been years since the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) of 2017 was signed into law, but it’s still having an impact. Several provisions in the law have expired or will expire in the next few years. One provision that took effect last year was the end of current deductibility for research and experimental […]
Protect the “ordinary and necessary” advertising expenses of your business

Under tax law, businesses can generally deduct advertising and marketing expenses that help keep existing customers and bring in new ones. This valuable tax deduction can help businesses cut their taxes. However, in order to be deductible, advertising and marketing expenses must be “ordinary and necessary.” As one taxpayer recently learned in U.S. Tax Court, […]