Do I Need an Accountant to File My Tax Returns?

Do I Need an Accountant to File My Tax Returns

Filing tax returns each year is not something that most people look forward to. In fact, many experience trepidations at the mere thought of dealing with the IRS in any way. However, the question of whether or not you should hire an accountant to file your tax returns is simply a question of balance. If […]

Do I need a CPA for my small business?

Do I need CPA for my Small Business

Generally, a small business doesn’t need to hire a CPA or accountant. However, a CPA is needed when a small business must have financial statements prepared to get a bank loan, to bid on a job, to apply for a grant, or other legal reasons. A small business can utilize a CPA to help evaluate […]

Do I Have to File a Trust Tax Return?

Do I Have to File a Trust Tax Return

If you have assets that are held in a trust, you may have wondered whether or not you’ll have to pay taxes on them. In most cases, this depends upon the type of trust you have, and whether or not the grantor of the trust is still alive. A trust is a legal agreement that […]

CPA vs. Accountant

CPA vs Accountant

Finances are an integral part of your business, so choosing the right professional to handle them is important. When it comes to accounting, you’ll want to choose between a CPA or an accountant. Each has different roles to their job. Understanding the differences will help you to make an informed decision for your business. What […]